बिहार के परिणाम आने के बाद कोई कुछ भी कहे लेकिन यह बात उन्हें खुले ह्रदय से माननी ही चाहिए कि ये मोदी जी की ही हार है। उन्होंने अपने चुनावी वादे पूरे न करने की जो कसम खायी है और यह हार मोदी जी के भक्तों के मुह में तमाचा है जो मोदी जी की कथनी और करनी का मूल्यांकन ही नहीं करना चाहते हैं और हाशिये से गायब लालू जी जैसे राजनेता जीत रहे हैं। यह देश के लिए दुर्भाग्य पूर्ण है लेकिन बिहार के वोटरों पर ऊँगली उठाने वाले तथाकथित लोग अपने आप में ही अपना मूल्यांकन करें। मतदाताओं पर अनर्गल टिप्पणी न करें क्योंकि नितीश जी ने बिहार में वास्तव में काम किया है और वह सभी को दिख भी रहा है यह एक सच्चाई है जो वहां की जनता जानती है। आज भूमंडलीकरण का युग है जो दिखता है वही बिकता है और अभी डेढ़ साल में मोदी जी का कुछ "अच्छे दिन" दिख नहीं रहा है। बिहार के चुनाव सिर्फ और सिर्फ मोदी जी के नाम पर लड़े गए थे वह ही इस चुनाव के मुख्या चेहरा थे यह देश का बच्चा बच्चा जानता है। इसलिए यदि तठस्थ होकर विचार करेंगे तो ये सिर्फ और सिर्फ मोदी जी की ही हार है। वैचारिक सहमति और असहमति बौद्धिकता का एक आवश्यक कारक है। लेकिन मोदी जी यदि अपने चुनावी वादे पूरे नहीं करेंगे तो आगे के चुनावों में भी इसी तरह उनकी हार होगी और लोकसभा चुनावों में 2004 की तरह अटल जी से भी बुरी तरह हारेंगे क्योंकि भारत की जनता को उन्होंने 2014 में जो सपने दिखाए हैं उनसे आज अब वह मुकरने की स्थिति में नहीं है चाहे कितना ही मिडिया का दोहन किया जाये। प्रधानमंत्री पद का वही महत्व है जो उस पद पर बैठा व्यक्ति उसे प्रदान करें और देश की जनता जान गयी है की मोदी जी सिर्फ और सिर्फ आजकल गप्प बाजी कर रहे हैं। भारत के प्रधानमंत्री होकर चुनाव प्रचार में अमर्यादित भाषा का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं। ठोस काम नहीं। वह हर रैली में नितीश जी से ढाई साल के काम का जवाब माग रहे थे लेकिन अपने डेढ़ साल के काम का जवाब नहीं दे रहे थे। भारत के प्रधानमंत्री केवल पिछड़े दलितों के लिए जान की बाजी लगा रहे हैं तो क्या दूसरों का ये देश नहीं है। अन्य धर्म के लोगों समेत सवर्णों की जिम्मेदारी क्या प्रधानमंत्री जी आपकी नहीं है? राजनीति की यही 'गंदी बातें' हैं जो लोकतंत्र को लंबे समय से गंधवा रही हैं , सत्ता पाने की लालसा या सत्ता शक्ति के प्रदर्शन का अहंकार कहीं न कहीं राजनीति का स्तर गिराता जा रहा है। अभी महगाई चरम में है और सरकार को महसूस नहीं हो रही और अनवरत महगाई के स्तर को नकारात्मक गिरावट दिखाकर डेढ़ वर्ष से भाजपा सरकार डेटा में छेड़खानी करके कर्मचारियों को महगाई भत्ता कम देने का काम कर रही है और 7 वें वेतन आयोग की जब रिपोर्ट आ जायेगी तब सरकारी कर्मचारी और उनका परिवार भी मोदी से विमुख ही हो जायेगा क्योंकि वह कर्मचारियों को भी कुछ देने के मूड में प्रतीत नहीं हो रहे है, ये बात भी शायद मोदी जी भूल गए। इनकम टैक्स की लिमिट बढ़ानें में देरी मध्यवर्ग से भाजपा को दूर कर रही है और आम लोग तो महगाई से और भी परेशान ही हैं। शिक्षा का बजट कम कर दिया गया है ICSSR, UGC पैसे की कमी से जूझ रहे है केंद्र सरकार ने अकेले पेट्रोलियम उत्पादों से 34000 करोड़ का लाभ कमाया है गैस सब्सीडी छोड़ने के विज्ञापन में करोड़ों रुपया खर्च किया है जबकि सब्सिडी छोड़ने से मात्र सरकार को लगभग 100 करोड़ का ही लाभ हुआ है। ऐसे और भी योजनाओं में हो रहा है । मीडीया को विज्ञापन देकर मोदीमय बनाया जा रहा है। लेकिन अब समय आ गया है। मोदी जी को विदेश भ्रमण छोड़कर देश में ही समय बिताना चाहिए और देश की समस्याओं को दूर करनें हेतु देश की समस्यायों का निरिक्षण कर कारक सम्बंधित लोगों पर कठोर कारवाही करनी चाहिए। जिससे लोग भ्र्ष्टाचार करनें से डरें। भ्रष्टाचारियों के मन में भय पैदा हो। देश में राजमार्ग टूटे हैं और सरकार पोषित गुंडों द्वारा टोल टैक्स लिया जा रहा है, लोग महगाई से परेशान हैं, जातिगत वैमनश्य दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ रहा है, समान नागरिक संहिता की पहल अब तो खुद कोर्ट कर रहा है फिर देरी क्यों आदि अनेक जमीनी सच्चाइयाँ हैं जिनका निदान हो। लोगों को भ्रस्टाचार मुक्त भारत महसूस हो। लोगों को वास्तव में अच्छा लगे अच्छे दिन आवें। अन्यथा उत्तर प्रदेश में इससे भी बड़ी हार से भाजपा को कोई नहीं बचा पायेगा और सारे मोदीभक्त सर पीटते रह जायेगे।।। दुर्भाग्य से लेखक भी मोदी जी का समर्थक है ।।।
10:54 pm
बिहार चुनाव के बाद की चर्चा फुर्सत में
Written By अरविन्द शुक्ल on शनिवार, 28 नवंबर 2015 | 10:54 pm
10:42 pm
Dear Sir /Madam...It's a matter of great pleasure to inform you that DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
Govt. Girls P.G. College, Bindki, Fatehpur. UP is organizing two day (04-05 Jan 2016) National Seminar on "SWACHH BHARAT CAMPAIGN 2014: Administrative Perspectives Issues and Challenges" "स्वच्छ भारत अभियान, प्रशासनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य, मुद्दे और चुनौतियाँ" sponsored by ICSSR, Ministry Of HRD Government of India. Cordially you are invited.......Convener Mr. Arvind Shukla.. Call/Write...09236807279-9026809646/
Theme of the Seminar: ‘SWACHH Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India campaign) is a national campaign by the Government of India, covering 4041 statutory towns, to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. This campaign was officially launched on 2 October 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself cleaned the road. It is India's biggest ever cleanliness drive and 3 million government employees and school and college students of India participated in this event. The mission was started by Prime Minister Modi, who nominated nine famous personalities for the campaign, and they took up the challenge and nominated nine more people and so on (like the branching of a tree). It has been carried forward since then with people from all walks of life joining it. This campaign aims to accomplish the vision of a 'Clean India' by 2 October 2019, the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. It is expected to cost over 62000 crore (US$9.8 billion). Fund sharing between the Central Government and the State Government and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) is 75%:25% (90% : 10% for North Eastern and special category states). The campaign has been described as "beyond politics" and "inspired by patriotism".
Nearly 100 million people in India lack access to safe drinking water and over 700 million continue to defecate in the open. Over 600,000 children under 5 years lose their lives to water and sanitation related diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia every year. Though we are making efforts in this direction since Gandhi Ji’s call for clean India. There are organizations like Sulabh International with a purpose to provide clean and hygienic defecation place, to innumerable other NGOs, central and state government departments of public health, child care etc. who are working to make the country a better living place. Big campaigns like Narmada Bachaao, Clean Ganga, Clean Yamuna are few other efforts which can be witnessed in this direction. Previous governments have also made attempts in these directions by allocating huge budgets to total sanitation drives, but we still are standing far behind the goal because of the challenges of controlling the usage of hazardous materials and their waste deposition in open and rivers.
With Prime Minister’s appeal to the nation for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, there has been an overzealous positive sentiment in organizations and individuals both. Many organizations have routed their CSR budgets in this direction. However, if the campaign is to go beyond symbolism and actually achieve the goal of making India open defecation free by 2019, it needs a multi-pronged strategy encompassing sustained involvement of multiple stakeholders, focusing on changing behavior, going beyond toilet construction and fund allocation.
It is an inclusive responsibility of not only the politicians and government officials, but each and every citizen of India. A lot has to be done to achieve this national goal. The present conference is an attempt to give a platform to these NGOs, Central and State Government Departments, Education Institutes, Public and Private Organizations, and various agencies to share their ideas of clean India with respect to Administrative perspectives they are adopting, challenges and issues faced and future roadmap for the success of the campaign.
*Human Resource Initiatives & Clean India campaign
Environmental challenges, Issues, monitoring & controlling process
Sanitation Issues, Legal Issues & waste management
*Strategies to market the concept of Swachh Bharat
Grey Area, Policies and Practices, Social Marketing, Social Awareness and Sensitization
Role of NGOs , Social Volunteers, Public & Private organizations & Especially Consituted Agencies.
*Startegic Initiatives by Government departments, PSUs, Private organizations etc
*Clean India campaign & Social Media,
*Clean Economy and sustainable development
Guidelines for abstract/paper submission:
Participants are requested to submit papers/abstract for oral or poster presentations. Abstract should not exceed 300 words. The text should be typed in Times New Roman font (12 points) for English and Kruti Dev 10 font (14 point) for Hindi with single spacing in MS Word.Manuscripts should preferably not exceed 12 printed pages or between 2000-4000 words. The research paper should be preceded by an abstract, Maps, tables and charts should be in black and white only.
They should be serially numbered, sequentially, following references to them in the text. The general format of the research paper should consist of : (i) Title (ii) Author(s) name and affiliation with email ID(s) (iii) Abstract with 4-8 keywords (iv) Introduction (v) Objectives (vi) Study area (vii) Data base and methodology (viii) Text-interpretation-analysis (ix) Conclusion (x) References (xi) Full corresponding address of author(s) with contact no.(s) and email ID(s).
1. The delegates will be paid TA/DA for participating in the Seminar as per ICSSR & UP Govt. Norms.
2. Time allotted for each paper presentation – 10 minutes.
3. The contents of invitation letter are available on the College website www.gdcbindki.org
4. The manuscript should be accompanied by a declaration letter that the paper is original and has not
been submitted elsewhere for publication.
The abstract along with full length paper must be submitted to Organising Committee either in C.D. or through e-mail on or before 15th Dec 2016 to - E-mail : arvinddbsk@gmail.com
Kindly circulate the information among friends and colleagues for wide publicity.
Post Conference Publication:
Selected papers presented in the seminar will be published in Special Volume-1 & 2, an edited book entitled “SWACHH BHARAT CAMPAIGN 2014: Administrative Perspectives Issues and Challenges” with ISBN.
The delegates, who want to stay are requested to intimate the Organizing Secretary by 30 th Dec, 2015 so that comfortable arrangements for boarding and lodging can be made.
Important Dates:
Last date for submitting of abstract and full papers: 15 /12/2015
Registration Fee will be paid in cash or by a Demand draft/Multi City Cheque in favour of "Principal, Govt. Girls P.G. College Bindki, Fatehpur" payable at Bindki should be sent on or before 25th Dec 2015.
Catanegory Registration
(on or before Dec 25th 2015) Registration on spot
Academicians ₹500/-₹ 600/-
Research Scholars ₹ 300/- ₹ 400/-
We look forward to welcome you at the Seminar.
With warm regards,
(M) 9026809646, 9236807279
Email: arvinddbsk@gmail.com
Organizing Secretary,
Postal Address:
Govt. Girls P.G. College, Bindki, Fatehpur. UP is organizing two day (04-05 Jan 2016) National Seminar on "SWACHH BHARAT CAMPAIGN 2014: Administrative Perspectives Issues and Challenges" "स्वच्छ भारत अभियान, प्रशासनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य, मुद्दे और चुनौतियाँ" sponsored by ICSSR, Ministry Of HRD Government of India. Cordially you are invited.......Convener Mr. Arvind Shukla.. Call/Write...09236807279-9026809646/
Theme of the Seminar: ‘SWACHH Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India campaign) is a national campaign by the Government of India, covering 4041 statutory towns, to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. This campaign was officially launched on 2 October 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself cleaned the road. It is India's biggest ever cleanliness drive and 3 million government employees and school and college students of India participated in this event. The mission was started by Prime Minister Modi, who nominated nine famous personalities for the campaign, and they took up the challenge and nominated nine more people and so on (like the branching of a tree). It has been carried forward since then with people from all walks of life joining it. This campaign aims to accomplish the vision of a 'Clean India' by 2 October 2019, the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. It is expected to cost over 62000 crore (US$9.8 billion). Fund sharing between the Central Government and the State Government and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) is 75%:25% (90% : 10% for North Eastern and special category states). The campaign has been described as "beyond politics" and "inspired by patriotism".
Nearly 100 million people in India lack access to safe drinking water and over 700 million continue to defecate in the open. Over 600,000 children under 5 years lose their lives to water and sanitation related diseases like diarrhoea and pneumonia every year. Though we are making efforts in this direction since Gandhi Ji’s call for clean India. There are organizations like Sulabh International with a purpose to provide clean and hygienic defecation place, to innumerable other NGOs, central and state government departments of public health, child care etc. who are working to make the country a better living place. Big campaigns like Narmada Bachaao, Clean Ganga, Clean Yamuna are few other efforts which can be witnessed in this direction. Previous governments have also made attempts in these directions by allocating huge budgets to total sanitation drives, but we still are standing far behind the goal because of the challenges of controlling the usage of hazardous materials and their waste deposition in open and rivers.
With Prime Minister’s appeal to the nation for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, there has been an overzealous positive sentiment in organizations and individuals both. Many organizations have routed their CSR budgets in this direction. However, if the campaign is to go beyond symbolism and actually achieve the goal of making India open defecation free by 2019, it needs a multi-pronged strategy encompassing sustained involvement of multiple stakeholders, focusing on changing behavior, going beyond toilet construction and fund allocation.
It is an inclusive responsibility of not only the politicians and government officials, but each and every citizen of India. A lot has to be done to achieve this national goal. The present conference is an attempt to give a platform to these NGOs, Central and State Government Departments, Education Institutes, Public and Private Organizations, and various agencies to share their ideas of clean India with respect to Administrative perspectives they are adopting, challenges and issues faced and future roadmap for the success of the campaign.
*Human Resource Initiatives & Clean India campaign
Environmental challenges, Issues, monitoring & controlling process
Sanitation Issues, Legal Issues & waste management
*Strategies to market the concept of Swachh Bharat
Grey Area, Policies and Practices, Social Marketing, Social Awareness and Sensitization
Role of NGOs , Social Volunteers, Public & Private organizations & Especially Consituted Agencies.
*Startegic Initiatives by Government departments, PSUs, Private organizations etc
*Clean India campaign & Social Media,
*Clean Economy and sustainable development
Guidelines for abstract/paper submission:
Participants are requested to submit papers/abstract for oral or poster presentations. Abstract should not exceed 300 words. The text should be typed in Times New Roman font (12 points) for English and Kruti Dev 10 font (14 point) for Hindi with single spacing in MS Word.Manuscripts should preferably not exceed 12 printed pages or between 2000-4000 words. The research paper should be preceded by an abstract, Maps, tables and charts should be in black and white only.
They should be serially numbered, sequentially, following references to them in the text. The general format of the research paper should consist of : (i) Title (ii) Author(s) name and affiliation with email ID(s) (iii) Abstract with 4-8 keywords (iv) Introduction (v) Objectives (vi) Study area (vii) Data base and methodology (viii) Text-interpretation-analysis (ix) Conclusion (x) References (xi) Full corresponding address of author(s) with contact no.(s) and email ID(s).
1. The delegates will be paid TA/DA for participating in the Seminar as per ICSSR & UP Govt. Norms.
2. Time allotted for each paper presentation – 10 minutes.
3. The contents of invitation letter are available on the College website www.gdcbindki.org
4. The manuscript should be accompanied by a declaration letter that the paper is original and has not
been submitted elsewhere for publication.
The abstract along with full length paper must be submitted to Organising Committee either in C.D. or through e-mail on or before 15th Dec 2016 to - E-mail : arvinddbsk@gmail.com
Kindly circulate the information among friends and colleagues for wide publicity.
Post Conference Publication:
Selected papers presented in the seminar will be published in Special Volume-1 & 2, an edited book entitled “SWACHH BHARAT CAMPAIGN 2014: Administrative Perspectives Issues and Challenges” with ISBN.
The delegates, who want to stay are requested to intimate the Organizing Secretary by 30 th Dec, 2015 so that comfortable arrangements for boarding and lodging can be made.
Important Dates:
Last date for submitting of abstract and full papers: 15 /12/2015
Registration Fee will be paid in cash or by a Demand draft/Multi City Cheque in favour of "Principal, Govt. Girls P.G. College Bindki, Fatehpur" payable at Bindki should be sent on or before 25th Dec 2015.
Catanegory Registration
(on or before Dec 25th 2015) Registration on spot
Academicians ₹500/-₹ 600/-
Research Scholars ₹ 300/- ₹ 400/-
We look forward to welcome you at the Seminar.
With warm regards,
(M) 9026809646, 9236807279
Email: arvinddbsk@gmail.com
Organizing Secretary,
Postal Address:
2:54 pm
Written By हरीश सिंह on मंगलवार, 24 नवंबर 2015 | 2:54 pm
सभी ब्लॉगर मित्रों को नमस्कार
बहुत दिन बाद आप मित्रों के सम्मुख आने का मौका मिला , मित्रों नव प्रकाशित हिंदी मासिक पत्रिका "ह्यूमन टुडे " को सम्पादन करने की जिम्मेदारी मिली है. ऐसे में आपलोगों की याद आनी स्वाभाविक है. भले ही इतने दिनों तक गायब रहा लेकिन आपसे दूर नहीं , मैं चाहता हूँ की जो ब्लॉगर मित्र अपनी रचनाओ के माध्यम से मुझसे जुड़ना चाहते है , मै उनका सहर्ष स्वागत करता हूँ। सामाजिक सरोकारों से जुडी इस पत्रिका में आपकी रचनाओ का स्वागत है , जो मित्र मुझसे जुड़ना चाहते हैं वे अपनी रचनाएँ मुझे मेल करें। ।
रचनाएँ राजनितिक , सामाजिक व् ज्ञानवर्धक हो। कविता , कहानी व विभिन्न विषयो पर लेख आमंत्रित।
harish singh ---- editor- Humantoday
बहुत दिन बाद आप मित्रों के सम्मुख आने का मौका मिला , मित्रों नव प्रकाशित हिंदी मासिक पत्रिका "ह्यूमन टुडे " को सम्पादन करने की जिम्मेदारी मिली है. ऐसे में आपलोगों की याद आनी स्वाभाविक है. भले ही इतने दिनों तक गायब रहा लेकिन आपसे दूर नहीं , मैं चाहता हूँ की जो ब्लॉगर मित्र अपनी रचनाओ के माध्यम से मुझसे जुड़ना चाहते है , मै उनका सहर्ष स्वागत करता हूँ। सामाजिक सरोकारों से जुडी इस पत्रिका में आपकी रचनाओ का स्वागत है , जो मित्र मुझसे जुड़ना चाहते हैं वे अपनी रचनाएँ मुझे मेल करें। ।
रचनाएँ राजनितिक , सामाजिक व् ज्ञानवर्धक हो। कविता , कहानी व विभिन्न विषयो पर लेख आमंत्रित।
harish singh ---- editor- Humantoday
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)