“Our Census, Our Future”.
देश मैं 9 से 28 फरवरी तक एक बेहद ही महत्वपूर्ण काम चल रहा है | ये काम कितना महत्त्वपूर्ण है इसका अंदाज़ा शायद एक आम आदमी नहीं लगा सकता, उसके लिए उसके घर पर आये जनगणनाकर्मी किसी सेल्समेन से ज्यादा नहीं है, जिससे वो ये कह कर की 'कोई घर पर नहीं है', टालने का पूरा प्रयास करते हैं | पर इस ब्लॉग को पढ़ने वाले प्रत्येक नागरिक को मै ये बताना चाहूंगी की असल मे ये जनगणना प्रमाण है आपके इस देश का नागरिक होने का | ये जनगणना प्रमाण है आपके एक भारतीय होने का और ये जनगणना प्रमाण है इस बात का की आप भी इस देश का एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं |
देश मैं चल रही ये जनगणना असल मैं अब तक की विश्व की सबसे बड़ी जनगणना है | ये जनगणना कितनी बड़ी है इसका अंदाज़ा सिर्फ इसी बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि इस जनगणना के प्रारंभिक चरण मे लगभग 2 ,209 करोड़ रुपये व्यय हुए है जबकि अंतिम चरण तक आते आते NPR पर होने वाला खर्च लगभग 3539 .24 करोड़ हो जाने का अनुमान है | जबकि इस काम के प्रारंभिक चरण में तक़रीबन 11 मिलियन टन कागज़ इस्तेमाल हुआ है | इतनी बात के ही बाद आपके ज़हन में एक सवाल तो आया ही होगा कि What is NPR .
The NPR would be a Register of usual residents of the country. The NPR will be a comprehensive identity database that would help in better targeting of the benefits and services under the Government schemes/प्रोग्रम्मेस , improve planning and help strengthen security of the country. This is being done for the first time in the country .
जनगणना को अंग्रेजी में CENSUS कहते हैं | इससे जुड़े कुछ खास सवाल जवाब आगे आपके सामने देने जा रही हूँ | इस आर्टिकल के दौरान इस बात का पूरा ध्यान रखा गया है कि जनगणना से जुडी लगभग सभी शंकाओं का निदान और सभी प्रश्नों का हल दिया जा सके | लिहाज़ा अब आगे कुछ इसे ही प्रश्नों का संकलन पेश किया जा रहा है जो संभवतः सभी सवालों को अपने में सम्मिलित किया हुए है |
A. What is Census? How is it useful?
The Indian Census is the most credible source of information on Demography (Population characteristics), Economic Activity, Literacy & Education, Housing & Household Amenities, Urbanization, Fertility and Mortality, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Language, Religion, Migration, Disability and many other socio-cultural and demographic data since 1872. Census 2011 will be the 15th National Census of the country. This is the only source of primary data at village, town and ward level. It provides valuable information for planning and formulation of polices for Central & State Governments and is widely used by National & International agencies, scholars, business people, industrialists, and many more. The delimitation/reservation of Constituencies – Parliamentary/Assembly/Panchayats and other Local Bodies is also done on the basis of the demographic data thrown up by the Census. Census is the basis for reviewing the country’s progress in the past decade, monitoring the on-going schemes of the Government and most importantly, plan for the future. That is why the slogan of Census 2011 is “Our Census, Our Future”.
C. How will both these exercises be conducted?
The Census is a statutory exercise conducted under the provisions of the Census Act 1945 and Rules made there under. The NPR is being created under the provisions of the Citizenship Act and Rules
Census Process:
The Census process involves visiting each and every household and gathering particulars by asking questions and filling up Census Forms. The information collected about individuals is kept absolutely confidential. In fact this information is not accessible even to Courts of law. After the field work is over the forms are transported to data processing centres located at 15 cities across the country. The data processing will be done using sophisticated software called Intelligent Character Recognition Software (ICR). This technology was pioneered by India in Census 2001 has become the benchmark for Censuses all around the globe. This involves the scanning of the Census Forms at high speed and extracting the data automatically using computer software. This revolutionary technology has enabled the processing of the voluminous data in a very short time and saving a huge amount of manual labour and cost
NPR Process:
Details such as Name, Date of Birth, Sex, Present Address, Permanent Address, Names of Father, Mother and Spouse etc will be gathered by visiting each and every household. All usual residents will be eligible to be included irrespective of their Nationality. Each and every household will be given an Acknowledgement Slip at the time of enumeration. The data will then be entered into computers in the local language of the State as well as in English. Once this database has been created, biometrics such as photograph, 10 fingerprints and probably Iris information will be added for all persons aged 15 years and above. This will be done by arranging camps at every village and at the ward level in every town. Each household will be required to bring the Acknowledgement Slip to such camps. Those who miss these camps will be given the opportunity to present themselves at permanent NPR Centres to be set up at the Tehsil/Town level. In the next step, data will be printed out and displayed at prominent places within the village and ward for the public to see. Objections will be sought and registered at this stage. Each of these objections will then be enquired into by the local Revenue Department Officer and a proper disposal given in writing. Persons aggrieved by such order have a right of appeal to the Tehsildar and then to the District Collector. Once this process is over, the lists will be placed in the Gram Sabha in villages and the Ward Committee in towns. Claims and Objections will be received at this stage also and dealt with in the same manner described above. The Gram Sabha/Ward Committee has to give its clearance or objection within a fixed period of time after which it will be deemed that the lists have been cleared. The lists thus authenticated will then be sent to the Unique Identity Authority of India (UIDAI) for de-duplication and issue of UID Numbers. All duplicates will be eliminated at this stage based on comparison of biometrics. Unique ID numbers will also be generated for every person. The cleaned database along with the UID Number will then be sent back to the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India (ORG&CCI) and would form the National Population Register. As the UID system works on the basis of biometric de-duplication, in the case of persons of age 15 years and above (for whom biometrics is available), the UID Number will be available for each individual. For those below the age of 15 years (for whom biometrics is not available), the UID Number will be linked to the parent or guardian.
D. Will an Identity Card be given?
The National Population Register would have the data of every person enumerated during the Census operations irrespective of age. It would also have the biometric data and UID Number of every person of age 15 years and above. National Identity Cards will be given in a phased manner to all usual residents by the Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. The issue of Cards will be done in Coastal Villages to start with. After this the coastal Towns will be covered and so on till the entire country is covered
E. Who will collect the Information?
Government servants duly appointed as Enumerators will visit each and every house and collect the information required. They will carry an Identity Card as well as an Appointment Letter. In case of need you may ask them to show these documents. The local Tahsildar can also be contacted in this regard
F. What information will be collected?
Two Forms will be canvassed in each household. The first relates to the Houselisting and Housing Census. In this, 35 questions relating to Building material, Use of Houses, Drinking water, Availability and type of latrines, Electricity, possession of assets etc. will be canvassed.
The second form relates to the National Population Register. In this the following will be
* Name of the Person
* Gender
* Date of Birth
* Place of Birth
* Marital Status
* Name of Father
* Name of Mother
* Name of Spouse
* Present Address
* Duration of stay at Present Address
* Permanent Address
* Occupation
* Nationality as Declared
* Educational Qualification
* Relationship to Head of family
G. Will my Information be disclosed to anybody?
All information collected under the Census is confidential and will not be shared with any agency – Government or private. Certain information collected under the NPR will be published in the local areas for public scrutiny and invitation of objections. This is in the nature of the electoral roll or the telephone directory. After the NPR has been finalised, the database will be used only within the Government
H. How will I know that Census is being conducted?
The dates on which Census is being conducted in various States/Union Territories is given below:
Date of commencement | States /UTs |
1st April | New Delhi (NDMC area), West Bengal, Assam, A & N Islands, Goa, Meghalaya |
7th April | Kerala, Lakshadweep, Orissa, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim |
15th April | Karnataka, Arunachal, Chandigarh |
21st April | Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu |
26th April | Tripura, Andhra Pradesh |
1st May | Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Punjab, Uttaranchal, Maharashtra |
7th May | Madhya Pradesh |
15th May | J & K, Manipur, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh |
1st June | Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Himachal Pradesh (non synchronous), Nagaland |
Not finalised | Bihar, Jharkhand |
Advertisements will be published in local Newspapers and in the radio/electronic media. Apart from this, the Census enumerators will be visiting your house in person. They will be affixing small Census stickers on the doorway of houses in which Census has been completed. These will indicate that they have commenced operations in your area
I. Whom do I contact in case my house is not covered?
The local Tehsildar/Ward Officer of your area is the designated officer. In case of need you can also contact the Collector/DC/DM of your District or the Commissioner of your Town. You can also intimate us over e mail or contact us over the toll free number given in this website
J. How do I ensure that the information given by me is being correctly entered?
The NPR form has to be signed by you. In case you require, ask the Enumerator to read it out to you and then affix your signature/thumb impression. In any case do ascertain that the details are correctly entered
K. Do I need to show any documents to the enumerator?
The enumerator will take down all particulars as given by you. You are not required to show any proof. However, be cautioned that it is expected that you will provide correct and authentic information. You are also signing to this effect. The provision of false information can invite penalties under the Census and Citizenship Acts.
L. What is the Link between NPR and Unique ID Authority of India (UIDAI)?
The data collected in the NPR will be subjected to de-duplication by the UIDAI. After de-duplication, the UIDAI will issue a UID Number. This UID Number will be part of the NPR and the NPR Cards will bear this UID Number. The maintenance of the NPR database and updating subsequently will be done by the Office of Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India .
एक खास बात जो इस बार जनगणना में है वो ये है कि इस बार कि जनगणना में मंगलामुखियों यानिकी हिजारो [eunuchs] को भी ससम्मान स्थान दिया जायेगा |
Source: Behind the Numbers, Population Reference Bureau
From the beginning, questions on one’s sex on census forms had two choices: male or female. But no more. In its upcoming decennial census, to be conducted in February, India offer the possibility of a third response – “other” (see partial facsimile of the census form below). The innovation has generated quite a bit of publicity in the Indian press. The group most affected by this change to the census form is usually referred to in India as transgenders/eunuchs, or hijras.
जनगणना के दोनों चरणों कि शुरूआत देश की प्रथम नागरिक महामहिम राष्ट्रपति से कि गयी |
वर्ष 2011 में होने वाली ये जनगणना , देश के इतिहास की 15th , स्वतंत्र भारत की 7th और इक्कीसवीं शताब्दी की 2nd जनगणना है |
इतिहास में अगर झांक कर देखे तो भारत में पहली जनगणना 1872 में ' लार्ड मेयो ' के शासनकाल में कराई गयी थी | लेकिन उसमे एक दोष था, वो ये की जनगणना की जो पद्धति प्रयोग मैं लायी गयी थी वो नॉन Synchronous थी | जबकि इसे Synchronous होना चाहिए था | मतलब देश के हर हिस्से मैं जनगणना एक ही वक्त पर होनी चाहिए थी, ताकि कहीं धोखे में एक ही व्यक्ति की गिनती कहीं दो बार न हो जाये | लिहाज़ा 1881 में लार्ड रिपन के काल में Synchronous जनगणना कराई गयी | और उसी के बाद से ही प्रत्येक दस वर्ष में हमारे देश में जनगणना होती है |

जनगणना में लगे कर्मियों कि मेहनत को देखते हुए ये भी तय है कि इस बार के जनगणना के आंकडे पूर्णतः शुद्ध और सटीक होंगे |
लिहाज़ा विश्व कि इस सबसे बड़ी जनगणना में सरकार का सहयोग दें और इसे पूर्णतः सफल बनायें |
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2 टिप्पणियाँ:
विश्व कि इस सबसे बड़ी जनगणना में सरकार का सहयोग दें और इसे पूर्णतः सफल बनायें
umda prastuti.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें
Thanks for your valuable comment.